All Classes and Interfaces

A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the activity.
Interface for creating an ActivityComponent.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
Entrypoint for ActivityComponentBuilder.
Annotation for a Context that corresponds to the activity.
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of a configuration surviving activity.
Interface for creating a ActivityRetainedComponent.
A ActivityRetainedLifecycle class is associated with the lifecycle of the ActivityRetainedComponent.
Listener for receiving a callback for when the ActivityRetainedComponent will no longer be used and destroyed.
Qualifies a binding that belongs to ActivityRetainedComponent.
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of an activity, surviving configuration.
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of an activity.
Annotation for propagating dependency information through javac runs.
Holds aggregated data about UninstallModules elements.
Defines an alias between an existing Hilt scope and the annotated scope.
An annotation used to aggregate AliasOf values in a common location.
Marks an Android component class to be setup for injection with the standard Hilt Dagger Android components.
Injects core Android types.
MapKey annotation to key AndroidInjector.Factory bindings.
An internal implementation detail of Dagger's generated code.
Contains bindings to ensure the usability of framework classes.
Performs members-injection for a concrete subtype of a core Android type (e.g., Activity or Fragment).
Prefer AndroidInjector.Factory now that components can have factories instead of builders
Creates AndroidInjectors for a concrete subtype of a core Android type.
Injects core Android types from support libraries.
This module no longer provides any value beyond what is provided in AndroidInjectionModule and is just an alias.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
Annotation for an Application Context dependency.
Provides a binding for an Android BinderFragment Context.
Annotates a parameter within an AssistedInject-annotated constructor.
Annotates an abstract class or interface used to create an instance of a type via an AssistedInject constructor.
Annotates the constuctor of a type that will be created via assisted injection.
An annotation that can be used on a test field to contribute the value into the SingletonComponent as an ElementsIntoSet for the given type.
The association between a Key and the way in which instances of the key are provided.
The association between a Key and the way in which instances of the key are provided.
A graph of bindings, dependency requests, and components.
A graph of bindings, dependency requests, and components.
An edge that represents a subcomponent factory method linking a parent component to a child subcomponent.
An edge that represents a subcomponent factory method linking a parent component to a child subcomponent.
A component node in the graph.
A component node in the graph.
An edge that represents a dependency on a binding.
An edge that represents a dependency on a binding.
An edge in the binding graph.
An edge in the binding graph.
A node in the binding graph that is either a Binding or a BindingGraph.MissingBinding.
A node in the binding graph that is either a Binding or a BindingGraph.MissingBinding.
A node in the binding graph that represents a missing binding for a key in a component.
A node in the binding graph that represents a missing binding for a key in a component.
A node in the binding graph.
A node in the binding graph.
An edge that represents the link between a parent component and a child subcomponent implied by a subcomponent creator (builder or factory) binding.
An edge that represents the link between a parent component and a child subcomponent implied by a subcomponent creator (builder or factory) binding.
A pluggable visitor for BindingGraph.
A pluggable visitor for BindingGraph.
Represents the different kinds of Bindings that can exist in a binding graph.
Represents the different kinds of Bindings that can exist in a binding graph.
Annotates abstract methods of a Module that delegate bindings.
Marks a method on a component builder or a parameter on a component factory as binding an instance to some key within the component.
Annotates methods that declare bindings for Optional containers of values from bindings that may or may not be present in the component.
An annotation that can be used on a test field to contribute the value into the SingletonComponent.
An annotation that can be used on a test field to contribute the value into the SingletonComponent as an IntoMap for the given type.
An annotation that can be used on a test field to contribute the value into the SingletonComponent as an IntoSet for the given type.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
A scope that lasts as long as a single gRPC ServerCall.
Annotates a production component or subcomponent to specify its policy when a child component is cancelled.
Enumeration of the options for what happens to a parent component when one of its child components is cancelled.
A MapKey annotation for maps with Class<?> keys.
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of Component.modules().
A builder for a component.
A factory for a component.
A path containing a component and all of its ancestor components.
A path containing a component and all of its ancestor components.
Interface for supplying a component.
Generates an AndroidInjector for the return type of this method.
Provides the current Context.
When used on a HiltAndroidApp-annotated application, this causes the application to no longer inject itself in onCreate and instead allows it to be injected at some other time.
Utility methods for injecting the application when using CustomInject.
An annotation that creates an application with the given base type that can be used for any test in the given build.
An Activity that injects its members in DaggerActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to inject Fragments attached to it.
Wrapper type for an annotation.
An AppCompatActivity that injects its members in DaggerAppCompatActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to inject Fragments attached to it.
An AppCompatDialogFragment that injects its members in DaggerAppCompatDialogFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
An Application that injects its members and can be used to inject objects that the Android framework instantiates, such as Activitys, Fragments, or Services.
An Application that injects its members and can be used to inject classes that the Android framework instantiates.
A BroadcastReceiver that injects its members in every call to DaggerBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(Context, Intent).
A ContentProvider that injects its members in DaggerContentProvider.onCreate().
Framework fragments are deprecated in Android P; prefer to use a support-library-friendly dialog fragment implementation.
A DialogFragment that injects its members in DaggerDialogFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
Wrapper type for an element.
Wrapper type for an executable element.
Framework fragments are deprecated in Android P; prefer to use a support-library-friendly fragment implementation.
A Fragment that injects its members in DaggerFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
An IntentService that injects its members in DaggerIntentService.onCreate().
Wrapper type for an element.
Represents a type of backend used for compilation.
A Service that injects its members in DaggerService.onCreate().
Wrapper type for a type.
Wrapper type for a type element.
Modules and entry points for the default view model factory used by activities and fragments annotated with @AndroidEntryPoint.
The activity entry point to retrieve the factory.
The fragment entry point to retrieve the factory.
Internal factory for the Hilt ViewModel Factory.
Defines a Hilt component.
Defines a builder for a Hilt component.
An annotation used to aggregate DefineComponent types in a common location.
A class used by DefineComponent#parent() as the default type when no parent is given.
Represents a request for a Key at an injection point.
Represents a request for a Key at an injection point.
A builder of DependencyRequests.
A builder of DependencyRequests.
An object that BindingGraphPlugins can use to report diagnostics while visiting a BindingGraph.
An object that BindingGraphPlugins can use to report diagnostics while visiting a BindingGraph.
Marks a Module-annotated class to allow it to have no InstallIn annotation.
Performs members-injection on instances of core Android types (e.g.
Exception thrown if an incorrect binding is made for a AndroidInjector.Factory.
An escape hatch for when a Hilt entry point usage needs to be called before the singleton component is available in a Hilt test.
Static utility methods for accessing entry points annotated with EarlyEntryPoint.
Creates a test's early component.
The method's return type is Set<T> and all values are contributed to the set.
Annotation for marking an interface as an entry point into a generated component.
Static utility methods for accessing objects through entry points.
Qualifies some per-service types provided by Modules generated by GrpcService.
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the fragment.
Interface for creating a FragmentComponent.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
Entrypoint for FragmentComponentBuilder.
Runtime flag for the Fragment.getContext() fix.
Qualifier annotation to bind disable the Fragment.getContext() fix at runtime.
Entry point for getting the flag.
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of a fragment.
For annotating annotations that generate input for the GenerateComponents.
An annotation used to aggregate GeneratesRootInput types in a common location.
Provides Metadata about a gRPC call.
Annotates a class that implements a gRPC service.
Provides an AndroidInjector.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code.
Annotation for marking the Application class where the Dagger components should be generated.
A TestRule for Hilt that can be used with JVM or Instrumentation tests.
Annotation used for marking an Android emulator tests that require injection.
An application that can be used for Android instrumentation or Robolectric tests using Hilt.
Identifies a ViewModel for construction injection.
Internal qualifier for the multibinding map of assisted factories for @AssistedInject-annotated ViewModels used by the
View Model Provider Factory for the Hilt Extension.
Hilt entry point for getting the multi-binding map of ViewModels.
Internal qualifier for the multibinding map of ViewModels used by the
Internal qualifier for the multibinding set of class names annotated with @ViewModelInject.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
Installing this module into a @Singleton component means the component can provide a Server that serves in-process requests.
An annotation that declares which component(s) the annotated class should be included in when Hilt generates the components.
Annotation that generates a Hilt test application.
A MapKey annotation for maps with int keys.
The method's return type forms the type argument for the value of a Map<K, Provider<V>>, and the combination of the annotated key and the returned value is contributed to the map as a key/value pair.
The method's return type forms the generic type argument of a Set<T>, and the returned value is contributed to the set.
A type and an optional qualifier that is the lookup key for a binding.
A type and an optional qualifier that is the lookup key for a binding.
A builder for Keys.
A builder for Keys.
An object that identifies a multibinding contribution method and the module class that contributes it to the graph.
An object that identifies a multibinding contribution method and the module class that contributes it to the graph.
Lazy<T extends @Nullable Object>
A handle to a lazily-computed value.
A MapKey annotation for maps with Class<?> keys.
A MapKey annotation for maps with long keys.
Identifies annotation types that are used to associate keys with values returned by provider methods in order to compose a map.
A Junit TestRule that's installed in all Hilt tests.
MembersInjector<T extends @Nullable Object>
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods on instances of type T.
Annotates a class that contributes to the object graph.
Annotates abstract module methods that declare multibindings.
Installing this module into a @Singleton component means the component can provide a Netty-based Server.
Provides access to the Singleton component in tests, so that Rules can access it after custom test modules have been added.
Rules should register an implementation of this to get access to the singleton component
Public for use by generated code and TestApplicationComponentManager
When placed on an AndroidEntryPoint-annotated activity / fragment / view / etc, allows injection to occur optionally based on whether or not the application is using Hilt.
Utility methods for validating if an AndroidEntryPoint-annotated class that is also annotated with OptionalInject was injected by Hilt.
An annotation used to specify the originating element that triggered the code generation of a type.
An interface that represents the result of a production of type T, or an exception that was thrown during that production.
An interface that represents the production of a type T.
Annotates a class that contributes Produces bindings to the production component.
A hook for monitoring the execution of individual producer methods.
Utility methods to create Producers.
A hook for recording the timing of the execution of individual producer methods.
A token that represents an individual producer method.
Annotates methods of a producer module to create a production binding.
Qualifies a type that will be provided to the framework for use internally.
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of modules.
A builder for a production component.
A factory for a production component.
A hook for monitoring execution of production components.
A hook for recording timing of the execution of production components.
A scope annotation for provision bindings that are tied to the lifetime of a ProductionComponent or ProductionSubcomponent.
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component, Subcomponent, ProductionComponent, or ProductionSubcomponent.
A builder for a production subcomponent.
A factory for a production subcomponent.
Annotates methods of a module to create a provider method binding.
A ServerCallHandler that handles calls for a particular method by delegating to a handler in a ServerServiceDefinition returned by a factory.
A factory for the ServerServiceDefinition that a ProxyServerCallHandler delegates to.
Represents the different kinds of types that may be requested as dependencies for the same key.
Represents the different kinds of types that may be requested as dependencies for the same key.
A class for registered listeners on a retained lifecycle (generally backed up by a ViewModel).
Listener for when the retained lifecycle is cleared.
Internal implementation.
A scope that indicates that the object returned by a binding may be (but might not be) reused.
Implementation for SavedStateHandleHolder.
A representation of a Scope.
A representation of a Scope.
Provides a @Singleton Server.
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the service.
Interface for creating a ServiceComponent.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
Entrypoint for ServiceComponentBuilder.
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of a service.
A Hilt component for singleton bindings.
Annotation used for skipping test injection in a Hilt Android Test.
A MapKey annotation for maps with String keys.
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component or Subcomponent.
A builder for a subcomponent.
A factory for a subcomponent.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
For use by Hilt internally only! Returns the component manager.
Contains the data needed to create a test's component.
Returns the component using the given registered modules.
Stores the TestComponentData for a Hilt test class.
Interface to expose a method for members injection for use in tests.
An annotation that replaces one or more InstallIn modules with the annotated module in tests.
A monitor that measures the timing of the execution of a production component, and logs those timings with the given recorder.
Utility methods relating to timing.
An annotation used to uninstall modules that have previously been installed with InstallIn.
Mark unstable Api usage.
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the view.
Interface for creating a ViewComponent.
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
Do not use except in Hilt generated code!
Entrypoint for ViewComponentBuilder.
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of a single ViewModel.
Interface for creating a ViewModelComponent.
A class for registering listeners on the ViewModel lifecycle.
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of a a single ViewModel.
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of a View.
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the view.
Interface for creating a ViewWithFragmentComponent.
Makes a View annotated with AndroidEntryPoint have access to fragment bindings.