Interface BindingGraphPlugin

public interface BindingGraphPlugin
A pluggable visitor for BindingGraph.

Note: This is still experimental and will change.

  • Method Details

    • visitGraph

      void visitGraph(BindingGraph bindingGraph, DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter)
      Called once for each valid root binding graph encountered by the Dagger processor. May report diagnostics using diagnosticReporter.
    • init

      default void init(DaggerProcessingEnv processingEnv, Map<String,String> options)
      Initializes this plugin with a DaggerProcessingEnv.

      This will be called once per instance of this plugin, before any graph is visited.

    • supportedOptions

      default Set<String> supportedOptions()
      Returns the annotation-processing options that this plugin uses to configure behavior.
      See Also:
    • pluginName

      default String pluginName()
      A distinguishing name of the plugin that will be used in diagnostics printed to the messager. By default, the fully qualified name of the plugin is used.
    • onProcessingRoundBegin

      default void onProcessingRoundBegin()
      Runs before each round of Dagger annotation processing.

      If using the plugin to process elements that need resetting at the beginning of each processing round, use this function to perform the setup.

    • onPluginEnd

      default void onPluginEnd()
      Perform any extra work after the plugin finished all its visiting. This will be called once per instance of this plugin, after all graphs were visited