Annotation Interface Multibinds

@Documented @Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Multibinds
Annotates abstract module methods that declare multibindings.

You can declare that a multibound set or map is bound by annotating an abstract module method that returns the set or map you want to declare with @Multibinds.

You do not have to use @Multibinds for sets or maps that have at least one contribution, but you do have to declare them if they may be empty.

   @Module abstract class MyModule {
     @Multibinds abstract Set<Foo> aSet();
     @Multibinds abstract @MyQualifier Set<Foo> aQualifiedSet();
     @Multibinds abstract Map<String, Foo> aMap();
     @Multibinds abstract @MyQualifier Map<String, Foo> aQualifiedMap();

     static Object usesMultibindings(Set<Foo> set, @MyQualifier Map<String, Foo> map) {
       return …

A given set or map multibinding can be declared any number of times without error. Dagger never implements or calls any @Multibinds methods.

See Also: