Adding our first `Command`

If you’ve tried to run the example so far, you’ll see that it doesn’t know how to respond to any commands. Let’s change that!

First, let’s create an implementation of Command:

final class HelloWorldCommand implements Command {
  HelloWorldCommand() {}

  public String key() {
    return "hello";

  public Result handleInput(List<String> input) {
    if (!input.isEmpty()) {
      return Result.invalid();
    return Result.handled();

Now let’s add a parameter to CommandRouter’s constructor for that command. Note that now we initialize the commands map with an empty HashMap.

final class CommandRouter {
  private final Map<String, Command> commands = new HashMap<>();

  CommandRouter(HelloWorldCommand helloWorldCommand) {
    commands.put(helloWorldCommand.key(), helloWorldCommand);


This parameter tells Dagger that when it creates a CommandRouter instance, it should also provide a HelloWorldCommand instance and pass that to the constructor: new CommandRouter(helloWorldCommand). Dagger knows how to create a HelloWorldCommand because it has an @Inject constructor, just like CommandRouter.

If you try to run the application, you’ll see that you can now type hello and the application will respond world!. We’re making progress!


  • Parameters to an @Inject constructor are the dependencies of the class. Dagger will provide a class’s dependencies to instantiate the class itself. Note that this is recursive: a dependency may have dependencies of its own!
  • Terminology:
    • When discussing the relationship between these two types, one might say CommandRouter requests HelloWorldCommand or CommandRouter depends on HelloWorldCommand. Conversely, HelloWorldCommand’s @Inject constructor provides instances of HelloWorldCommand, which are requested by CommandRouter.
    • Sometimes people say CommandRouter injects HelloWorldCommand in order to emphasize that something else puts a HelloWorldCommand object into CommandRouter, in contrast to CommandRouter itself fetching or creating one. But it’s also common to say that Dagger injects CommandRouter because it instantiates it via its @Inject constructor. These different uses of the word “injects” can get confusing, so we’re using the more explicit terms in this tutorial.

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