
Dagger Producers is an extension to Dagger that implements asynchronous dependency injection in Java.


This document assumes familiarity with the Dagger 2 API and with Guava’s ListenableFuture.

Dagger Producers introduces new annotations @ProducerModule, @Produces, and @ProductionComponent as analogues of @Module, @Provides, and @Component. We refer to classes annotated @ProducerModule as producer modules, methods annotated @Produces as producer methods, and interfaces annotated @ProductionComponent as producer graphs (analogous to modules, provider methods, and object graphs).

The key difference from ordinary Dagger is that producer methods may return ListenableFuture<T> and subsequent producer methods may depend on the unwrapped T; the framework handles scheduling the subsequent methods when the future is available.

Here is a simple example that mimics a server’s request-handling flow:

@ProducerModule(includes = UserModule.class)
final class UserResponseModule {
  static ListenableFuture<UserData> lookUpUserData(
      User user, UserDataStub stub) {
    return stub.lookUpData(user);

  static Html renderHtml(UserData data, UserHtmlTemplate template) {
    return template.render(data);

final class ExecutorModule {
  static Executor executor() {
    return Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

In this example, the computation we’re describing here says:

  • call the lookUpUserData method
  • when the future is available, call the renderHtml method with the result

(Note that we haven’t explicitly indicated where User, UserDataStub, or UserHtmlTemplate come from; we’re assuming that the Dagger module UserModule provides those types.)

Each of these producer methods will be scheduled on the thread pool that we specify via the binding to @Production Executor. Note that even though the provides method that specifies the executor is unscoped, the production component will only ever get one instance from the provider; so in this case, only one thread pool will be created.

To build this graph, we use a ProductionComponent:

@ProductionComponent(modules = {UserResponseModule.class, ExecutorModule.class})
interface UserResponseComponent {
  ListenableFuture<Html> html();

// ...

UserResponseComponent component = DaggerUserResponseComponent.create();

ListenableFuture<Html> htmlFuture = component.html();

Dagger generates an implementation of the interface UserResponseComponent, whose method html() does exactly what we described above: first it calls lookUpUserData, and when that future is available, it calls renderHtml.

Both producer methods are scheduled on the provided executor, so the execution model is entirely user-specified.

Note that, as in the above example, producer modules can be used seamlessly with ordinary modules, subject to the restriction that provided types cannot depend on produced types.

Exception handling

By default, if a producer method throws an exception, or the future that it returns failed, then any dependent producer methods will be skipped - this models “propagating” an exception up a call stack.

If a producer method would like to “catch” that exception, the method can request a Produced<T> instead of a T. For example:

static Html renderHtml(
    Produced<UserData> data,
    UserHtmlTemplate template,
    ErrorHtmlTemplate errorTemplate) {
  try {
    return template.render(data.get());
  } catch (ExecutionException e) {
    return errorTemplate.render("user data failed", e.getCause());

In this example, if the production of UserData threw an exception (either by a producer method throwing an exception, or by a future failing), then the renderHtml method catches it and returns an error template.

If an exception propagates all the way up to the component’s entry point without any producer method catching it, then the future returned from the component will fail with an exception.

Lazy execution

Producer methods can request a Producer<T>, which is analogous to a Provider<T>: it delays the computation of the associated binding until a get() method is called. Producer<T> is non-blocking; its get() method returns a ListenableFuture, which can then be fed to the framework. For example:

static ListenableFuture<UserData> lookUpUserData(
    Flags flags,
    @Standard Producer<UserData> standardUserData,
    @Experimental Producer<UserData> experimentalUserData) {
  return flags.useExperimentalUserData()
      ? experimentalUserData.get()
      : standardUserData.get();

In this example, if the experimental user data is requested, then the standard user data is never computed. Note that the Flags may be a request-time flag, or even the result of an RPC, which lets users build very flexible conditional graphs.


Several bindings of the same type can be collected into a set or map, just like in ordinary Dagger. For example:

final class UserDataModule {
  @Produces @IntoSet static ListenableFuture<Data> standardData(...) { ... }
  @Produces @IntoSet static ListenableFuture<Data> extraData(...) { ... }
  @Produces @IntoSet static Data synchronousData(...) { ... }
  @Produces @ElementsIntoSet static Set<ListenableFuture<Data>> rest(...) { ... }

  @Produces static ... collect(Set<Data> data) { ... }

In this example, when all the producer methods that contribute to this set have completed futures, the Set<Data> is constructed and the collect() method is called.

Map multibindings

Map multibindings are similar to set multibindings:

@MapKey @interface DispatchPath {
  String value();

final class DispatchModule {
  @Produces @IntoMap @DispatchPath("/user")
  static ListenableFuture<Html> dispatchUser(...) { ... }

  @Produces @IntoMap @DispatchPath("/settings")
  static ListenableFuture<Html> dispatchSettings(...) { ... }

  static ListenableFuture<Html> dispatch(
      Map<String, Producer<Html>> dispatchers, Url url) {
    return dispatchers.get(url.path()).get();

Note that here, dispatch() is requesting map values of the type Producer<Html>; this ensures that only the dispatch handler that was requested will be executed.

Also note that DispatchPath is a [simple map key] (, but that [complex map keys] ( are supported as well.


Producer methods and production components are implicitly scoped @ProductionScope. Like ordinary scoped bindings, each method will only be executed once within the context of a given component, and its result will be cached. This gives complete control over the lifetime of each binding — it is the same as the lifetime of its enclosing component instance.

@ProductionScope may also be applied to ordinary provisions; they will then be scoped to the production component that they’re bound in. Production components may also additionally have other scopes, like ordinary components can.

To supply the executor, bind @Production Executor in a ProductionComponent or ProductionSubcomponent. This binding will be implicitly scoped @ProductionScope. For subcomponents, the executor may be bound in any parent component, and its binding will be inherited in the subcomponent (like all bindings are).

The executor binding will only be executed once per component instance, even if it is not scoped to the component; that is, it will be implicitly scoped @ProductionScope.

Component dependencies

Like ordinary Components, ProductionComponents may depend on other interfaces:

interface RequestComponent {
  ListenableFuture<Request> request();

final class UserDataModule {
  @Produces static ListenableFuture<UserData> userData(
      Request request, ...) { ... }

    modules = UserDataModule.class,
    dependencies = RequestComponent.class)
interface UserDataComponent {
  ListenableFuture<UserData> userData();

Since the UserDataComponent depends on the RequestComponent, Dagger will require that an instance of the RequestComponent be provided when building the UserDataComponent; and then that instance will be used to satisfy the bindings of the getter methods that it offers:

ListenableFuture<UserData> userData = DaggerUserDataComponent.builder()
    .requestComponent(/* a particular RequestComponent */)


Dagger Producers introduces a new annotation @ProductionSubcomponent as an analogue to @Subcomponent. Production subcomponents may be subcomponents of either components or production components.

A subcomponent inherits all bindings from its parent component, and so it is often a simpler way of building nested scopes; see subcomponents for more details.


ProducerMonitor can be used to monitor the execution of producer methods; its methods correspond to various places in a producer’s lifecycle.

To install a ProducerMonitor, contribute into a set binding of ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory. For example:

final class MyMonitorModule {
  @Provides @IntoSet
  static ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory provideMonitorFactory(
      MyProductionComponentMonitor.Factory monitorFactory) {
    return monitorFactory;

@ProductionComponent(modules = {MyMonitorModule.class, MyProducerModule.class})
interface MyComponent {
  ListenableFuture<SomeType> someType();

When the component is created, each monitor factory contributed to the set will be asked to create a monitor for the component. The resulting (single) instance will be held for the lifetime of the component, and will be used to create individual monitors for each producer method.

Cancellation behavior

For Dagger Producers, cancellation happens for the whole component rather than for individual tasks in the graph.

When a ListenableFuture returned from an entry point method on a production component is cancelled (either because cancel() was called on it directly or because some future it depends on was cancelled), Dagger will cancel all tasks defined by that component, even tasks that entry point doesn’t depend on at all. When one entry point of a production component is cancelled, all of its entry points will be cancelled.

Importantly, though, if the component is a production subcomponent, nodes in the graph that are defined by a parent will not be cancelled unless the parent component specifically allows that by being annotated with @CancellationPolicy(fromSubcomponents = PROPAGATE).

This means two things:

  1. Cancelling an entry point on a subcomponent will not cause its parent component to be cancelled, and by extension will not cause any other instances of that subcomponent (or other subcomponents of the same parent) to be cancelled.
  2. If you really need multiple entry points for a component and need to be able to cancel them independently of one another, you can push the entry points down into their own subcomponents to achieve that. For example:
@ProductionComponent(modules = {FooModule.class, BarModule.class})
interface MyComponent {
  ListenableFuture<Foo> foo();
  ListenableFuture<Bar> bar();

// If we want to be able to cancel foo() without cancelling bar() this might
// become:

@ProductionComponent(modules = BarModule.class)
interface MyComponent {
  FooComponent.Factory fooComponentFactory();
  ListenableFuture<Bar> bar();

@ProductionSubcomponent(modules = FooModule.class)
interface FooComponent {
  ListenableFuture<Foo> foo();

  interface Factory {
    FooComponent create();

// Then instead of, write


You could even leave FooModule in MyComponent, but putting tasks that only Foo depends on in FooComponent will ensure all of those tasks can be cancelled when the Foo task is cancelled.

Timing, Logging and Debugging

As of March 2016, not implemented yet

Since graphs are constructed at compile-time, the graph will be able to be viewed immediately after compiling, likely via writing its structure to json or a proto.

Statistics from producer execution (CPU usage of producer method invocations and latency of futures) will be available to export to many endpoints.

While a graph is running, its current state will be able to be dumped.

Optional bindings

@BindsOptionalOf works for producers in much the same way as for providers. If Foo is produced, or if there is no binding for Foo, then a @Produces method can depend on any of:

  • Optional<Foo>
  • Optional<Producer<Foo>>
  • Optional<Produced<Foo>>