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ActivityComponent - Interface in
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the activity.
ActivityContext - Annotation Type in
Annotation for a Context that corresponds to the activity.
ActivityRetainedComponent - Interface in
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of a configuration surviving activity.
ActivityRetainedScoped - Annotation Type in
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of an activity, surviving configuration.
ActivityScoped - Annotation Type in
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of an activity.
addCallbackTo(ListenableFuture<T>) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Adds this monitor's completion methods as a callback to the future.
addListener(Context, Class<T>, OnComponentReadyRunner.OnComponentReadyListener<T>) - Static method in class
Must be called on the test thread, before the Statement is evaluated.
AliasOf - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.migration
Defines an alias between an existing Hilt scope and the annotated scope.
AndroidEntryPoint - Annotation Type in
Marks an Android component class to be setup for injection with the standard Hilt Dagger Android components.
AndroidInjection - Class in
Injects core Android types.
AndroidInjectionKey - Annotation Type in
MapKey annotation to key AndroidInjector.Factory bindings.
AndroidInjectionKeys - Class in
An internal implementation detail of Dagger's generated code.
AndroidInjectionModule - Class in
Contains bindings to ensure the usability of framework classes.
AndroidInjector<T> - Interface in
Performs members-injection for a concrete subtype of a core Android type (e.g., Activity or Fragment).
androidInjector() - Method in class
androidInjector() - Method in class
androidInjector() - Method in class
androidInjector() - Method in class
androidInjector() - Method in interface
Returns an AndroidInjector.
androidInjector() - Method in class
androidInjector() - Method in class
androidInjector() - Method in class
androidInjector() - Method in class
AndroidInjector.Builder<T> - Class in
Prefer AndroidInjector.Factory now that components can have factories instead of builders
AndroidInjector.Factory<T> - Interface in
Creates AndroidInjectors for a concrete subtype of a core Android type.
AndroidSupportInjection - Class in
Injects core Android types from support libraries.
AndroidSupportInjectionModule - Class in
This module no longer provides any value beyond what is provided in AndroidInjectionModule and is just an alias.
annotations() - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor
ApplicationComponent - Interface in
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the application.
ApplicationContext - Annotation Type in
Annotation for an Application Context dependency.
applicationInjector() - Method in class
Implementations should return an AndroidInjector for the concrete DaggerApplication.
applicationInjector() - Method in class
apply(Statement, Description) - Method in class
attachBaseContext(Context) - Method in class


BindElementsIntoSet - Annotation Type in
An annotation that can be used on a test field to contribute the value into the ApplicationComponent as an ElementsIntoSet for the given type.
BindingGraphPlugin - Interface in dagger.spi
A pluggable visitor for BindingGraph.
bindingTo(SocketAddress) - Static method in class dagger.grpc.server.NettyServerModule
A module that binds to socketAddress.
bindingToPort(int) - Static method in class dagger.grpc.server.NettyServerModule
A module that binds to port on the wildcard address.
Binds - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates abstract methods of a Module that delegate bindings.
BindsInstance - Annotation Type in dagger
Marks a method on a component builder or a parameter on a component factory as binding an instance to some key within the component.
BindsOptionalOf - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates methods that declare bindings for Optional containers of values from bindings that may or may not be present in the component.
BindValue - Annotation Type in
An annotation that can be used on a test field to contribute the value into the ApplicationComponent.
BindValueIntoMap - Annotation Type in
An annotation that can be used on a test field to contribute the value into the ApplicationComponent as an IntoMap for the given type.
BindValueIntoSet - Annotation Type in
An annotation that can be used on a test field to contribute the value into the ApplicationComponent as an IntoSet for the given type.
build() - Method in class
Returns a newly-constructed AndroidInjector.
Builder() - Constructor for class


CallScoped - Annotation Type in dagger.grpc.server
A scope that lasts as long as a single gRPC ServerCall.
CancellationPolicy - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates a production component or subcomponent to specify its policy when a child component is cancelled.
CancellationPolicy.Propagation - Enum in dagger.producers
Enumeration of the options for what happens to a parent component when one of its child components is cancelled.
ClassKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with Class<?> keys.
Component - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of Component.modules().
Component.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger
A builder for a component.
Component.Factory - Annotation Type in dagger
A factory for a component.
componentManager() - Method in class
ContributesAndroidInjector - Annotation Type in
Generates an AndroidInjector for the return type of this method.
create(T) - Method in class
create(T) - Method in interface
Creates an AndroidInjector for instance.
create(Class<?>) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Creates a token for a class token that represents the generated factory for a producer method.
create(String) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Creates a token for a producer method.
create(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Creates a component-specific monitor when the component is created.
create(Object) - Method in interface dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory
Creates a component-specific timing recorder when the component is created.
create(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
CurrentContextModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Provides the current Context.
CurrentContextModule() - Constructor for class dagger.grpc.server.CurrentContextModule
CustomTestApplication - Annotation Type in
An annotation that creates an application with the given base type that can be used for any test in the given build.


dagger - package dagger
This package contains the public API for the Dagger 2 dependency injection framework. - package
APIs to assist with performing injection on Android. - package - package
dagger.grpc.server - package dagger.grpc.server
dagger.grpc.server.processor - package dagger.grpc.server.processor
dagger.hilt - package dagger.hilt
This package contains the core APIs for Hilt. - package
This package contains Hilt APIs for Android applications. - package
This package contains Hilt's built-in Components for Android. - package
This package contains Android APIs to help migrating a codebase to Hilt. - package
This package contains Hilt's built-in Android Qualifier annotations. - package
This package contains Hilt's built-in Android Scope annotations. - package
This package contains APIs for writing Android local or instrumentation tests with Hilt.
dagger.hilt.codegen - package dagger.hilt.codegen
This package contains APIs for code generators that produce code that will be processed by Hilt.
dagger.hilt.migration - package dagger.hilt.migration
This package contains APIs to help migrating a codebase to Hilt.
dagger.multibindings - package dagger.multibindings
This package contains the API by which Dagger allows you to bind several objects into a collection that can be injected without depending directly on each of the individual bindings.
dagger.producers - package dagger.producers
This package contains the public API for Dagger 2's producer functionality.
dagger.producers.monitoring - package dagger.producers.monitoring
This package provides hooks for monitoring producers.
dagger.spi - package dagger.spi
This package contains the Service Provider interface (SPI) to the dagger.model APIs at annotation-processing-time.
DaggerActivity - Class in
An Activity that injects its members in DaggerActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to inject Fragments attached to it.
DaggerActivity() - Constructor for class
DaggerAppCompatActivity - Class in
An AppCompatActivity that injects its members in DaggerAppCompatActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to inject Fragments attached to it.
DaggerAppCompatActivity() - Constructor for class
DaggerAppCompatActivity(int) - Constructor for class
DaggerAppCompatDialogFragment - Class in
An AppCompatDialogFragment that injects its members in DaggerAppCompatDialogFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
DaggerAppCompatDialogFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerApplication - Class in
An Application that injects its members and can be used to inject objects that the Android framework instantiates, such as Activitys, Fragments, or Services.
DaggerApplication() - Constructor for class
DaggerApplication - Class in
An Application that injects its members and can be used to inject classes that the Android framework instantiates.
DaggerApplication() - Constructor for class
DaggerBroadcastReceiver - Class in
A BroadcastReceiver that injects its members in every call to DaggerBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(Context, Intent).
DaggerBroadcastReceiver() - Constructor for class
DaggerContentProvider - Class in
A ContentProvider that injects its members in DaggerContentProvider.onCreate().
DaggerContentProvider() - Constructor for class
DaggerDialogFragment - Class in
Framework fragments are deprecated in Android P; prefer to use a support-library-friendly dialog fragment implementation.
DaggerDialogFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerDialogFragment - Class in
A DialogFragment that injects its members in DaggerDialogFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
DaggerDialogFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerFragment - Class in
Framework fragments are deprecated in Android P; prefer to use a support-library-friendly fragment implementation.
DaggerFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerFragment - Class in
A Fragment that injects its members in DaggerFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
DaggerFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerFragment(int) - Constructor for class
DaggerIntentService - Class in
An IntentService that injects its members in DaggerIntentService.onCreate().
DaggerIntentService(String) - Constructor for class
DaggerService - Class in
A Service that injects its members in DaggerService.onCreate().
DaggerService() - Constructor for class
DefineComponent - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
Defines a Hilt component.
DefineComponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
Defines a builder for a Hilt component.
delegatingProductionComponentTimingRecorderFactory(Collection<ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory>) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a timing recorder factory that delegates to the given factories, and ensures that any method called on this object, even transitively, does not throw a RuntimeException or return null.
DiagnosticReporter - Interface in dagger.spi
An object that BindingGraphPlugins can use to report diagnostics while visiting a BindingGraph.
DisableInstallInCheck - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.migration
Marks a Module-annotated class to allow it to have no InstallIn annotation.
DispatchingAndroidInjector<T> - Class in
Performs members-injection on instances of core Android types (e.g.
DispatchingAndroidInjector.InvalidInjectorBindingException - Exception in
Exception thrown if an incorrect binding is made for a AndroidInjector.Factory.


ElementsIntoSet - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type is Set<T> and all values are contributed to the set.
EntryPoint - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
Annotation for marking an interface as an entry point into a generated component.
EntryPointAccessors - Class in
Static utility methods for dealing with entry points for standard Android components.
EntryPoints - Class in dagger.hilt
Static utility methods for accessing objects through entry points.
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Two tokens are equal if they represent the same method.
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Two Produced objects compare equal if both are successful with equal values, or both are failed with equal exceptions.


Factory() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Factory(ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory) - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
failed(Throwable) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer's future has failed with an exception.
failed(Throwable) - Static method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns a failed Produced, whose Produced.get() will throw an ExecutionException with the given cause.
ForGrpcService - Annotation Type in dagger.grpc.server
Qualifies some per-service types provided by Modules generated by GrpcService.
FragmentComponent - Interface in
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the fragment.
FragmentScoped - Annotation Type in
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of a fragment.
fromActivity(Activity, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Returns the entry point interface from an activity.
fromApplication(Context, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Returns the entry point interface from an application.
fromFragment(Fragment, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Returns the entry point interface from a fragment.
fromView(View, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Returns the entry point interface from a view.


GenerateComponents - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
Annotation for marking the root of a build where the Dagger components should be generated.
generatedComponent() - Method in class
GeneratesRootInput - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
For annotating annotations that generate input for the GenerateComponents.
get(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class dagger.hilt.EntryPoints
Returns the entry point interface given a component or component manager.
get() - Method in interface dagger.Lazy
Return the underlying value, computing the value if necessary.
get() - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns the result of a production.
get() - Method in interface dagger.producers.Producer
Returns a future representing a running task that produces a value.
getOnComponentReadyRunner() - Method in interface
getServiceDefinition(Metadata) - Method in interface dagger.grpc.server.ProxyServerCallHandler.ServiceDefinitionFactory
Returns a service definition that contains a ServerCallHandler for the ProxyServerCallHandler's method.
getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor
GrpcCallMetadataModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Provides Metadata about a gRPC call.
GrpcCallMetadataModule(Metadata) - Constructor for class dagger.grpc.server.GrpcCallMetadataModule
GrpcService - Annotation Type in dagger.grpc.server
Annotates a class that implements a gRPC service.
GrpcServiceProcessor - Class in dagger.grpc.server.processor
Generates code from types annotated with @GrpcService.
GrpcServiceProcessor() - Constructor for class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor


HasAndroidInjector - Interface in
Provides an AndroidInjector.
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Returns an appropriate hash code to match ProducerToken.equals(Object).
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns an appropriate hash code to match Produced.equals(Object).
HiltAndroidApp - Annotation Type in
Annotation for marking the Application class where the Dagger components should be generated.
HiltAndroidRule - Class in
A TestRule for Hilt that can be used with JVM or Instrumentation tests.
HiltAndroidRule(Object) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of the rules.
HiltAndroidTest - Annotation Type in
Annotation used for marking an Android emulator tests that require injection.
HiltTestApplication - Class in
An application that can be used for Android instrumentation or Robolectric tests using Hilt.
HiltTestApplication() - Constructor for class


immediateFailedProducer(Throwable) - Static method in class dagger.producers.Producers
Returns a producer that fails with the given exception.
immediateProducer(T) - Static method in class dagger.producers.Producers
Returns a producer that succeeds with the given value.
initElements(Elements) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Initializes this plugin with a Elements instance.
initFiler(Filer) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Initializes this plugin with a Filer that it can use to write Java or other files based on the binding graph.
initOptions(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Initializes this plugin with a filtered view of the options passed on the javac command-line for all keys from BindingGraphPlugin.supportedOptions().
initSteps() - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor
initTypes(Types) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Initializes this plugin with a Types instance.
inject(Activity) - Static method in class
Injects activity if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(Fragment) - Static method in class
Injects fragment if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(Service) - Static method in class
Injects service if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(BroadcastReceiver, Context) - Static method in class
Injects broadcastReceiver if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(ContentProvider) - Static method in class
Injects contentProvider if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(T) - Method in interface
Injects the members of instance.
inject(T) - Method in class
Performs members-injection on instance.
inject(Fragment) - Static method in class
Injects fragment if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject() - Method in class
injectMembers(T) - Method in interface dagger.MembersInjector
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods of instance.
InProcessServerModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Installing this module into a @Singleton component means the component can provide a Server that serves in-process requests.
InstallIn - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
An annotation that declares which component(s) the annotated class should be included in when Hilt generates the components.
IntKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with int keys.
IntoMap - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type forms the type argument for the value of a Map<K, Provider<V>>, and the combination of the annotated key and the returned value is contributed to the map as a key/value pair.
IntoSet - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type forms the generic type argument of a Set<T>, and the returned value is contributed to the set.
isEmpty() - Method in class


Lazy<T> - Interface in dagger
A handle to a lazily-computed value.
LongKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with long keys.


MapKey - Annotation Type in dagger
Identifies annotation types that are used to associate keys with values returned by provider methods in order to compose a map.
maybeInject(T) - Method in class
Attempts to perform members-injection on instance, returning true if successful, false otherwise.
MembersInjector<T> - Interface in dagger
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods on instances of type T.
methodFinished() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer method has finished executing.
methodStarting() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer method is about to start executing.
Module - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates a class that contributes to the object graph.
Multibinds - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
Annotates abstract module methods that declare multibindings.


NettyServerModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Installing this module into a @Singleton component means the component can provide a Netty-based Server.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Returns a monitor that does no monitoring.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Returns a producer recorder that does nothing.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Returns a factory that returns no-op monitors.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
Returns a monitor that does no monitoring.
noOpProductionComponentTimingRecorder() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a component recorder that returns no-op producer recorders.
noOpProductionComponentTimingRecorderFactory() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a recorder factory that returns no-op component recorders.


of(String) - Static method in class
Accepts the fully qualified name of a class that is injected with
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onComponentReady(T) - Method in interface
OnComponentReadyRunner - Class in
Provides access to the Singleton component in tests, so that Rules can access it after custom test modules have been added.
OnComponentReadyRunner() - Constructor for class
OnComponentReadyRunner.OnComponentReadyListener<T> - Interface in
Rules should register an implementation of this to get access to the singleton component
OnComponentReadyRunner.OnComponentReadyRunnerHolder - Interface in
Public for use by generated code and TestApplicationComponentManager
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class
onReceive(Context, Intent) - Method in class
OptionalInject - Annotation Type in
When placed on an AndroidEntryPoint-annotated activity / fragment / view / etc, allows injection to occur optionally based on whether or not the application is using Hilt.
OptionalInjectCheck - Class in
Utility methods for validating if an AndroidEntryPoint-annotated class that is also annotated with OptionalInject was injected by Hilt.
OriginatingElement - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.codegen
An annotation used to specify the originating element that triggered the code generation of a type.


pluginName() - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
A distinguishing name of the plugin that will be used in diagnostics printed to the Messager.
process(SetMultimap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Element>) - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor
Produced<T> - Class in dagger.producers
An interface that represents the result of a production of type T, or an exception that was thrown during that production.
Producer<T> - Interface in dagger.producers
An interface that represents the production of a type T.
ProducerModule - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates a class that contributes Produces bindings to the production component.
ProducerMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for monitoring the execution of individual producer methods.
ProducerMonitor() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
producerMonitorFor(ProducerToken) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
Returns a monitor for an individual producer method.
producerMonitorFor(ProducerToken) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor
Producers - Class in dagger.producers
Utility methods to create Producers.
ProducerTimingRecorder - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for recording the timing of the execution of individual producer methods.
ProducerTimingRecorder() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
producerTimingRecorderFor(ProducerToken) - Method in interface dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentTimingRecorder
Returns a timing recorder for an individual producer method.
ProducerToken - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A token that represents an individual producer method.
Produces - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates methods of a producer module to create a production binding.
Production - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Qualifies a type that will be provided to the framework for use internally.
ProductionComponent - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of modules.
ProductionComponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A builder for a production component.
ProductionComponent.Factory - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A factory for a production component.
ProductionComponentMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for monitoring execution of production components.
ProductionComponentMonitor() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
ProductionComponentTimingRecorder - Interface in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for recording timing of the execution of production components.
ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory - Interface in dagger.producers.monitoring
ProductionScope - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A scope annotation for provision bindings that are tied to the lifetime of a ProductionComponent or ProductionSubcomponent.
ProductionSubcomponent - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component, Subcomponent, ProductionComponent, or ProductionSubcomponent.
ProductionSubcomponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A builder for a production subcomponent.
ProductionSubcomponent.Factory - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A factory for a production subcomponent.
Provides - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates methods of a module to create a provider method binding.
proxyMethod(MethodDescriptor<RequestT, ResponseT>, ProxyServerCallHandler.ServiceDefinitionFactory) - Static method in class dagger.grpc.server.ProxyServerCallHandler
Returns a proxy method definition for methodDescriptor.
ProxyServerCallHandler<RequestT,ResponseT> - Class in dagger.grpc.server
A ServerCallHandler that handles calls for a particular method by delegating to a handler in a ServerServiceDefinition returned by a factory.
ProxyServerCallHandler.ServiceDefinitionFactory - Interface in dagger.grpc.server
A factory for the ServerServiceDefinition that a ProxyServerCallHandler delegates to.


ready() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when all of the producer's inputs are available.
recordFailure(Throwable, long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer's future has failed with the given statistics.
recordMethod(long, long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer method has finished executing with the given statistics.
recordSkip(Throwable) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer was skipped because one of its inputs failed.
recordSuccess(long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer's future has succeeded with the given statistics.
reportBinding(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.MaybeBinding, String) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a binding or missing binding.
reportBinding(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.MaybeBinding, String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a binding or missing binding.
reportComponent(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.ComponentNode, String) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a component.
reportComponent(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.ComponentNode, String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a component.
reportDependency(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.DependencyEdge, String) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a dependency.
reportDependency(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.DependencyEdge, String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a dependency.
reportSubcomponentFactoryMethod(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.ChildFactoryMethodEdge, String) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a subcomponent factory method.
reportSubcomponentFactoryMethod(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.ChildFactoryMethodEdge, String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a subcomponent factory method.
requested() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer's output is requested; that is, when the first method is called that requires the production of this producer's output.
Reusable - Annotation Type in dagger
A scope that indicates that the object returned by a binding may be (but might not be) reused.


seedInstance(T) - Method in class
Provides instance to be used in the binding graph of the built AndroidInjector.
ServerModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Provides a @Singleton Server.
ServerModule() - Constructor for class dagger.grpc.server.ServerModule
serverNamed(String) - Static method in class dagger.grpc.server.InProcessServerModule
Creates a module that provides a server that binds to a given name
ServiceComponent - Interface in
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the service.
ServiceScoped - Annotation Type in
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of a service.
setComponentManager(GeneratedComponentManager<?>) - Method in class
Used by generated code, to notify listeners that the component has been created.
startCall(ServerCall<InputStream, InputStream>, Metadata) - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.ProxyServerCallHandler
StringKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with String keys.
Subcomponent - Annotation Type in dagger
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component or Subcomponent.
Subcomponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger
A builder for a subcomponent.
Subcomponent.Factory - Annotation Type in dagger
A factory for a subcomponent.
succeeded(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer’s future has completed successfully with a value.
successful(T) - Static method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns a successful Produced, whose Produced.get() will return the given value.
supportedOptions() - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Returns the annotation-processing options that this plugin uses to configure behavior.


TimingProductionComponentMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A monitor that measures the timing of the execution of a production component, and logs those timings with the given recorder.
TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
TimingRecorders - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
Utility methods relating to timing.
toString() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Returns a representation of the method.


UninstallModules - Annotation Type in
An annotation used to uninstall modules that have previously been installed with InstallIn.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dagger.producers.CancellationPolicy.Propagation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum dagger.producers.CancellationPolicy.Propagation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ViewComponent - Interface in
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the view.
ViewScoped - Annotation Type in
Scope annotation for bindings that should exist for the life of a View.
ViewWithFragmentComponent - Interface in
A Hilt component that has the lifetime of the view.
visitGraph(BindingGraph, DiagnosticReporter) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Called once for each valid root binding graph encountered by the Dagger processor.


wasInjectedByHilt(ComponentActivity) - Static method in class
Returns true if the Activity was injected by Hilt.
wasInjectedByHilt(BroadcastReceiver) - Static method in class
Returns true if the BroadcastReceiver was injected by Hilt.
wasInjectedByHilt(Fragment) - Static method in class
Returns true if the Fragment was injected by Hilt.
wasInjectedByHilt(Service) - Static method in class
Returns true if the Service was injected by Hilt.
wasInjectedByHilt(View) - Static method in class
Returns true if the View was injected by Hilt.
WithFragmentBindings - Annotation Type in
Makes a View annotated with AndroidEntryPoint have access to fragment bindings.
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