See: Description
Interface | Description |
AndroidInjector<T> |
Performs members-injection for a concrete subtype of a core Android type (e.g.,
Activity or Fragment ). |
AndroidInjector.Factory<T> |
AndroidInjector s for a concrete subtype of a core Android type. |
HasActivityInjector |
Provides an
AndroidInjector of Activity s. |
HasAndroidInjector |
Provides an
AndroidInjector . |
HasBroadcastReceiverInjector |
Provides an
AndroidInjector of BroadcastReceiver s. |
HasContentProviderInjector |
Provides an
AndroidInjector of ContentProvider s. |
HasFragmentInjector |
Provides an
AndroidInjector of Fragment s. |
HasServiceInjector |
Provides an
AndroidInjector of Service s. |
Class | Description |
AndroidInjection |
Injects core Android types.
AndroidInjectionModule |
Contains bindings to ensure the usability of
dagger.android framework classes. |
AndroidInjector.Builder<T> | Deprecated
AndroidInjector.Factory now that components can have factories instead of builders |
DaggerActivity |
Activity that injects its members in DaggerActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to
inject Fragment s attached to it. |
DaggerApplication |
Application that injects its members and can be used to inject objects that the
Android framework instantiates, such as Activitys, Fragments, or Services. |
DaggerBroadcastReceiver |
BroadcastReceiver that injects its members in every call to DaggerBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(Context,
Intent) . |
DaggerContentProvider |
ContentProvider that injects its members in DaggerContentProvider.onCreate() . |
DaggerDialogFragment | Deprecated
Framework fragments are deprecated in Android P; prefer
dagger.android.support.DaggerDialogFragment to use a support-library-friendly dagger.android dialog fragment implementation. |
DaggerFragment | Deprecated
Framework fragments are deprecated in Android P; prefer
dagger.android.support.DaggerFragment to use a support-library-friendly dagger.android fragment implementation. |
DaggerIntentService |
IntentService that injects its members in DaggerIntentService.onCreate() . |
DaggerService |
Service that injects its members in DaggerService.onCreate() . |
DispatchingAndroidInjector<T> |
Performs members-injection on instances of core Android types (e.g.
Exception | Description |
DispatchingAndroidInjector.InvalidInjectorBindingException |
Exception thrown if an incorrect binding is made for a
AndroidInjector.Factory . |
Annotation Type | Description |
AndroidInjectionKey |
MapKey annotation to key AndroidInjector.Factory bindings. |
ContributesAndroidInjector |
Generates an
AndroidInjector for the return type of this method. |