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activityInjector() - Method in class
activityInjector() - Method in interface
Returns an AndroidInjector of Activitys.
ActivityKey - Annotation Type in
addCallbackTo(ListenableFuture<T>) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Adds this monitor's completion methods as a callback to the future.
AndroidInjection - Class in
Injects core Android types.
AndroidInjectionKey - Annotation Type in
MapKey annotation to key AndroidInjector.Factory bindings.
AndroidInjectionKeys - Class in
An internal implementation detail of Dagger's generated code.
AndroidInjectionModule - Class in
Contains bindings to ensure the usability of framework classes.
AndroidInjector<T> - Interface in
Performs members-injection for a concrete subtype of a core Android type (e.g., Activity or Fragment).
AndroidInjector.Builder<T> - Class in
An adapter that lets the common Subcomponent.Builder pattern implement AndroidInjector.Factory.
AndroidInjector.Factory<T> - Interface in
Creates AndroidInjectors for a concrete subtype of a core Android type.
AndroidMemorySensitiveReferenceManager - Class in
The releasable references feature is deprecated and scheduled for removal in July 2018. If you use it or are planning to add usages, please comment on this bug.
AndroidSupportInjection - Class in
Injects core Android types from support libraries.
AndroidSupportInjectionModule - Class in
Configures bindings to ensure the usability of and framework classes.
annotations() - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor
applicationInjector() - Method in class
Implementations should return an AndroidInjector for the concrete DaggerApplication.
applicationInjector() - Method in class
atRoot() - Method in class dagger.model.ComponentPath
Returns true if the ComponentPath.currentComponent() current component} is the ComponentPath.rootComponent() root component}.


Binding - Interface in dagger.model
The association between a Key and the way in which instances of the key are provided.
binding() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.BindingNode
The binding.
bindingElement() - Method in interface dagger.model.Binding
The Element that declares this binding.
BindingGraph - Class in dagger.model
The immutable graph of bindings, dependency requests, and components for a valid root component.
BindingGraph.BindingNode - Interface in dagger.model
A binding node in the binding graph.
BindingGraph.ChildFactoryMethodEdge - Interface in dagger.model
An edge that represents a subcomponent factory method linking a parent component to a child subcomponent.
BindingGraph.ComponentNode - Interface in dagger.model
A component node in the graph.
BindingGraph.DependencyEdge - Interface in dagger.model
An edge that represents a dependency on a binding.
BindingGraph.Edge - Interface in dagger.model
An edge in the binding graph.
BindingGraph.MaybeBindingNode - Interface in dagger.model
A node in the binding graph that is either a BindingGraph.BindingNode or a BindingGraph.MissingBindingNode.
BindingGraph.MissingBindingNode - Class in dagger.model
A node in the binding graph that represents a missing binding for a key in a component.
BindingGraph.Node - Interface in dagger.model
A node in the binding graph.
BindingGraph.SubcomponentBuilderBindingEdge - Interface in dagger.model
An edge that represents the link between a parent component and a child subcomponent implied by a subcomponent builder binding.
BindingGraphPlugin - Interface in dagger.spi
A pluggable visitor for BindingGraph.
BindingKind - Enum in dagger.model
Represents the different kinds of Bindings that can exist in a binding graph.
bindingNodes() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the binding nodes.
bindingNodes(Key) - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the binding nodes for a key.
bindingTo(SocketAddress) - Static method in class dagger.grpc.server.NettyServerModule
A module that binds to socketAddress.
bindingToPort(int) - Static method in class dagger.grpc.server.NettyServerModule
A module that binds to port on the wildcard address.
Binds - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates abstract methods of a Module that delegate bindings.
BindsInstance - Annotation Type in dagger
Marks a method on a component builder or subcomponent builder that allows an instance to be bound to some type within the component.
BindsOptionalOf - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates methods that declare bindings for Optional containers of values from bindings that may or may not be present in the component.
broadcastReceiverInjector() - Method in class
broadcastReceiverInjector() - Method in interface
Returns an AndroidInjector of BroadcastReceivers.
BroadcastReceiverKey - Annotation Type in
build() - Method in class
Returns a newly-constructed AndroidInjector.
build() - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest.Builder
build() - Method in class dagger.model.Key.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
builder() - Static method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest
Returns a new builder of dependency requests.
Builder() - Constructor for class dagger.model.DependencyRequest.Builder
builder(TypeMirror) - Static method in class dagger.model.Key
Returns a builder for Keys.
Builder() - Constructor for class dagger.model.Key.Builder


CallScoped - Annotation Type in dagger.grpc.server
A scope that lasts as long as a single gRPC ServerCall.
CancellationPolicy - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates a production component or subcomponent to specify its policy when a child component is cancelled.
CancellationPolicy.Propagation - Enum in dagger.producers
Enumeration of the options for what happens to a parent component when one of its child components is cancelled.
canReleaseReferences() - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns true for scopes that are annotated with CanReleaseReferences or some other annotation that is itself annotated with CanReleaseReferences.
CanReleaseReferences - Annotation Type in dagger.releasablereferences
The releasable references feature is deprecated and scheduled for removal in July 2018. If you use it or are planning to add usages, please comment on this bug.
ClassKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with Class<?> keys.
Component - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of Component.modules().
Component.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger
A builder for a component.
componentNode(ComponentPath) - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the component node for a component.
componentNodes() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the component nodes.
componentNodes(TypeElement) - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the component nodes for a component.
componentPath() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.BindingNode
The component that owns the BindingGraph.BindingNode.binding().
componentPath() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.ComponentNode
The component represented by this node.
componentPath() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.MaybeBindingNode
The component that owns the binding, or in which the binding is missing.
componentPath() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph.MissingBindingNode
The component in which the binding is missing.
componentPath() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.Node
The component this node belongs to.
ComponentPath - Class in dagger.model
A path containing a component and all of its ancestor components.
ComponentPath() - Constructor for class dagger.model.ComponentPath
components() - Method in class dagger.model.ComponentPath
Returns the component types, starting from the root component and ending with the current component.
contentProviderInjector() - Method in class
contentProviderInjector() - Method in interface
Returns an AndroidInjector of ContentProviders.
ContentProviderKey - Annotation Type in
ContributesAndroidInjector - Annotation Type in
Generates an AndroidInjector for the return type of this method.
contributingModule() - Method in interface dagger.model.Binding
The TypeElement of the module which contributes this binding.
create(T) - Method in class
create(T) - Method in interface
Creates an AndroidInjector for instance.
create(Iterable<TypeElement>) - Static method in class dagger.model.ComponentPath
Returns a new ComponentPath from components.
create(Class<?>) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Creates a token for a class token that represents the generated factory for a producer method.
create(String) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Creates a token for a producer method.
create(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Creates a component-specific monitor when the component is created.
create(Object) - Method in interface dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory
Creates a component-specific timing recorder when the component is created.
create(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
currentComponent() - Method in class dagger.model.ComponentPath
Returns the component at the end of the path.
CurrentContextModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Provides the current Context.
CurrentContextModule() - Constructor for class dagger.grpc.server.CurrentContextModule


dagger - package dagger
This package contains the public API for the Dagger 2 dependency injection framework. - package - package - package
dagger.grpc.server - package dagger.grpc.server
dagger.grpc.server.processor - package dagger.grpc.server.processor
dagger.model - package dagger.model
This package contains the APIs that are core to Dagger's internal model of bindings and the binding graph.
dagger.multibindings - package dagger.multibindings
This package contains the API by which Dagger allows you to bind several objects into a collection that can be injected without depending directly on each of the individual bindings.
dagger.producers - package dagger.producers
This package contains the public API for Dagger 2's producer functionality.
dagger.producers.monitoring - package dagger.producers.monitoring
This package provides hooks for monitoring producers.
dagger.releasablereferences - package dagger.releasablereferences
This package contains the API by which Dagger allows you release references held within some scopes.
dagger.spi - package dagger.spi
This package contains the Service Provider interface (SPI) to the dagger.model APIs at annotation-processing-time.
DaggerActivity - Class in
An Activity that injects its members in DaggerActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to inject Fragments attached to it.
DaggerActivity() - Constructor for class
DaggerAppCompatActivity - Class in
An AppCompatActivity that injects its members in DaggerAppCompatActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to inject Fragments attached to it.
DaggerAppCompatActivity() - Constructor for class
DaggerAppCompatDialogFragment - Class in
An AppCompatDialogFragment that injects its members in DaggerAppCompatDialogFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
DaggerAppCompatDialogFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerApplication - Class in
An Application that injects its members and can be used to inject Activitys, Fragments, Services, BroadcastReceivers and ContentProviders attached to it.
DaggerApplication() - Constructor for class
DaggerApplication - Class in
An Application that injects its members and can be used to inject Activitys, framework fragments, support fragments, Services, BroadcastReceivers, and ContentProviders attached to it.
DaggerApplication() - Constructor for class
DaggerBroadcastReceiver - Class in
A BroadcastReceiver that injects its members in every call to DaggerBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(Context, Intent).
DaggerBroadcastReceiver() - Constructor for class
DaggerContentProvider - Class in
A ContentProvider that injects its members in DaggerContentProvider.onCreate().
DaggerContentProvider() - Constructor for class
DaggerDialogFragment - Class in
Framework fragments are deprecated in Android P; prefer to use a support-library-friendly dialog fragment implementation.
DaggerDialogFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerDialogFragment - Class in
A DialogFragment that injects its members in DaggerDialogFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
DaggerDialogFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerFragment - Class in
Framework fragments are deprecated in Android P; prefer to use a support-library-friendly fragment implementation.
DaggerFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerFragment - Class in
A Fragment that injects its members in DaggerFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
DaggerFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerIntentService - Class in
An IntentService that injects its members in DaggerIntentService.onCreate().
DaggerIntentService(String) - Constructor for class
DaggerService - Class in
A Service that injects its members in DaggerService.onCreate().
DaggerService() - Constructor for class
declaringModules() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.SubcomponentBuilderBindingEdge
The modules that declare the subcomponent that generated this edge.
delegatingProductionComponentTimingRecorderFactory(Collection<ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory>) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a timing recorder factory that delegates to the given factories, and ensures that any method called on this object, even transitively, does not throw a RuntimeException or return null.
dependencies() - Method in interface dagger.model.Binding
The dependencies of this binding.
dependencyEdges() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the dependency edges.
dependencyEdges(BindingGraph.BindingNode) - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the dependency edges for the dependencies of a binding.
dependencyEdges(DependencyRequest) - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the dependency edges for a dependency request.
dependencyRequest() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.DependencyEdge
The dependency request.
DependencyRequest - Class in dagger.model
Represents a request for a Key at an injection point.
DependencyRequest() - Constructor for class dagger.model.DependencyRequest
DependencyRequest.Builder - Class in dagger.model
A builder of DependencyRequests.
DiagnosticReporter - Interface in dagger.spi
An object that BindingGraphPlugins can use to report diagnostics while visiting a BindingGraph.
DispatchingAndroidInjector<T> - Class in
Performs members-injection on instances of core Android types (e.g.
DispatchingAndroidInjector.InvalidInjectorBindingException - Exception in
Exception thrown if an incorrect binding is made for a AndroidInjector.Factory.


ElementsIntoSet - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type is Set<T> and all values are contributed to the set.
entryPointBindingNodes() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the binding nodes or missing binding nodes that directly satisfy entry points.
entryPointEdges(ComponentPath) - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the dependency edges for the entry points of a given component.
entryPointEdges() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the dependency edges for all entry points for all components and subcomponents.
entryPointEdgesDependingOnBindingNode(BindingGraph.MaybeBindingNode) - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the edges for entry points that transitively depend on a binding or missing binding for a key.
entryPoints() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.ComponentNode
The entry points on this component.
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.model.Key
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.model.Key.MultibindingContributionIdentifier
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Two tokens are equal if they represent the same method.
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Two Produced objects compare equal if both are successful with equal values, or both are failed with equal exceptions.


Factory() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Factory(ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory) - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
factoryMethod() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.ChildFactoryMethodEdge
The subcomponent factory method element.
failed(Throwable) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer's future has failed with an exception.
failed(Throwable) - Static method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns a failed Produced, whose Produced.get() will throw an ExecutionException with the given cause.
ForGrpcService - Annotation Type in dagger.grpc.server
Qualifies some per-service types provided by Modules generated by GrpcService.
format(Key) - Method in enum dagger.model.RequestKind
Returns a string that represents requests of this kind for a key.
ForReleasableReferences - Annotation Type in dagger.releasablereferences
The releasable references feature is deprecated and scheduled for removal in July 2018. If you use it or are planning to add usages, please this bug.
fragmentInjector() - Method in class
fragmentInjector() - Method in class
fragmentInjector() - Method in class
fragmentInjector() - Method in class
fragmentInjector() - Method in interface
Returns an AndroidInjector of Fragments.
fragmentInjector() - Method in class
FragmentKey - Annotation Type in
FragmentKey - Annotation Type in


get() - Method in interface dagger.Lazy
Return the underlying value, computing the value if necessary.
get() - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns the result of a production.
get() - Method in interface dagger.producers.Producer
Returns a future representing a running task that produces a value.
getServiceDefinition(Metadata) - Method in interface dagger.grpc.server.ProxyServerCallHandler.ServiceDefinitionFactory
Returns a service definition that contains a ServerCallHandler for the ProxyServerCallHandler's method.
getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor
GrpcCallMetadataModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Provides Metadata about a gRPC call.
GrpcCallMetadataModule(Metadata) - Constructor for class dagger.grpc.server.GrpcCallMetadataModule
GrpcService - Annotation Type in dagger.grpc.server
Annotates a class that implements a gRPC service.
GrpcServiceProcessor - Class in dagger.grpc.server.processor
Generates code from types annotated with @GrpcService.
GrpcServiceProcessor() - Constructor for class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor


HasActivityInjector - Interface in
Provides an AndroidInjector of Activitys.
HasBroadcastReceiverInjector - Interface in
Provides an AndroidInjector of BroadcastReceivers.
HasContentProviderInjector - Interface in
Provides an AndroidInjector of ContentProviders.
HasFragmentInjector - Interface in
Provides an AndroidInjector of Fragments.
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.model.Key
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.model.Key.MultibindingContributionIdentifier
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Returns an appropriate hash code to match ProducerToken.equals(Object).
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns an appropriate hash code to match Produced.equals(Object).
HasServiceInjector - Interface in
Provides an AndroidInjector of Services.
HasSupportFragmentInjector - Interface in
Provides an AndroidInjector of Fragments.


initElements(Elements) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Initializes this plugin with a Elements instance.
initFiler(Filer) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Initializes this plugin with a Filer that it can use to write Java or other files based on the binding graph.
initOptions(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Initializes this plugin with a filtered view of the options passed on the javac command-line for all keys from BindingGraphPlugin.supportedOptions().
initSteps() - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor
initTypes(Types) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Initializes this plugin with a Types instance.
inject(Activity) - Static method in class
Injects activity if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(Fragment) - Static method in class
Injects fragment if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(Service) - Static method in class
Injects service if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(BroadcastReceiver, Context) - Static method in class
Injects broadcastReceiver if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(ContentProvider) - Static method in class
Injects contentProvider if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(T) - Method in interface
Injects the members of instance.
inject(T) - Method in class
Performs members-injection on instance.
inject(Fragment) - Static method in class
Injects fragment if an associated AndroidInjector implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
injectMembers(T) - Method in interface dagger.MembersInjector
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods of instance.
InProcessServerModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Installing this module into a @Singleton component means the component can provide a Server that serves in-process requests.
IntKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with int keys.
IntoMap - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type forms the type argument for the value of a Map<K, Provider<V>>, and the combination of the annotated key and the returned value is contributed to the map as a key/value pair.
IntoSet - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type forms the generic type argument of a Set<T>, and the returned value is contributed to the set.
isEntryPoint() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.DependencyEdge
Returns true if this edge represents an entry point.
isMultibinding() - Method in enum dagger.model.BindingKind
Returns true if this is a kind of multibinding (not a contribution to a multibinding, but the multibinding itself).
isNullable() - Method in interface dagger.model.Binding
Returns true if this binding may provide null instead of an instance of Binding.key().
isNullable(boolean) - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest.Builder
isNullable() - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest
Returns true if this request allows null objects.
isProduction() - Method in interface dagger.model.Binding
Returns true if this is a production binding, e.g.
isProductionScope() - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns true if this scope is the @ProductionScope scope.
isReusable() - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns true if this scope is the @Reusable scope.
isScope(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns true if Scope.scopeAnnotation() is a Scope annotation.
isScope(TypeElement) - Static method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns true if scopeAnnotationType is a Scope annotation.
isSingleton() - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns true if this scope is the @Singleton scope.


key() - Method in interface dagger.model.Binding
The binding's key.
key() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.BindingNode
key() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.MaybeBindingNode
The key of the binding, or for which there is no binding.
key() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph.MissingBindingNode
The key for which there is no binding.
key(Key) - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest.Builder
key() - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest
The key of this request.
Key - Class in dagger.model
A type and an optional qualifier that is the lookup key for a binding.
Key() - Constructor for class dagger.model.Key
Key.Builder - Class in dagger.model
A builder for Keys.
Key.MultibindingContributionIdentifier - Class in dagger.model
An object that identifies a multibinding contribution method and the module class that contributes it to the graph.
kind() - Method in interface dagger.model.Binding
The kind of binding this instance represents.
kind(RequestKind) - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest.Builder
kind() - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest
The kind of this request.


Lazy<T> - Interface in dagger
A handle to a lazily-computed value.
LongKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with long keys.


MapKey - Annotation Type in dagger
Identifies annotation types that are used to associate keys with values returned by provider methods in order to compose a map.
maybeBinding() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.BindingNode
maybeBinding() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.MaybeBindingNode
The binding, or empty if missing.
maybeBinding() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph.MissingBindingNode
maybeInject(T) - Method in class
Attempts to perform members-injection on instance, returning true if successful, false otherwise.
MembersInjector<T> - Interface in dagger
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods on instances of type T.
metadata() - Method in interface dagger.releasablereferences.TypedReleasableReferenceManager
Returns the annotation on ReleasableReferenceManager.scope() that is annotated with CanReleaseReferences.
methodFinished() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer method has finished executing.
methodStarting() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer method is about to start executing.
MissingBindingNode() - Constructor for class dagger.model.BindingGraph.MissingBindingNode
missingBindingNodes() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the nodes that represent missing bindings.
Module - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates a class that contributes to the object graph.
multibindingContributionIdentifier(Optional<Key.MultibindingContributionIdentifier>) - Method in class dagger.model.Key.Builder
multibindingContributionIdentifier(Key.MultibindingContributionIdentifier) - Method in class dagger.model.Key.Builder
multibindingContributionIdentifier() - Method in class dagger.model.Key
Distinguishes keys for multibinding contributions that share a Key.type() and Key.qualifier().
MultibindingContributionIdentifier(ExecutableElement, TypeElement) - Constructor for class dagger.model.Key.MultibindingContributionIdentifier
This is only meant to be called from code in dagger.internal.codegen. It is not part of a specified API and may change at any point.
Multibinds - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
Annotates abstract module methods that declare multibindings.


NettyServerModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Installing this module into a @Singleton component means the component can provide a Netty-based Server.
network() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the graph in its Network representation.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Returns a monitor that does no monitoring.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Returns a producer recorder that does nothing.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Returns a factory that returns no-op monitors.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
Returns a monitor that does no monitoring.
noOpProductionComponentTimingRecorder() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a component recorder that returns no-op producer recorders.
noOpProductionComponentTimingRecorderFactory() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a recorder factory that returns no-op component recorders.


of(String) - Static method in class
Accepts the fully qualified name of a class that is injected with
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class
onReceive(Context, Intent) - Method in class
onTrimMemory(int) - Method in class
Releases references for ReleaseReferencesAt scopes whose ReleaseReferencesAt.value() is less than or equal to level.


parent() - Method in class dagger.model.ComponentPath
Returns this path's parent path.
parentComponent() - Method in class dagger.model.ComponentPath
Returns the parent of the ComponentPath.currentComponent() current component}.
pluginName() - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
A distinguishing name of the plugin that will be used in diagnostics printed to the Messager.
process(SetMultimap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Element>) - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.processor.GrpcServiceProcessor
Produced<T> - Class in dagger.producers
An interface that represents the result of a production of type T, or an exception that was thrown during that production.
Producer<T> - Interface in dagger.producers
An interface that represents the production of a type T.
ProducerModule - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates a class that contributes Produces bindings to the production component.
ProducerMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for monitoring the execution of individual producer methods.
ProducerMonitor() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
producerMonitorFor(ProducerToken) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
Returns a monitor for an individual producer method.
producerMonitorFor(ProducerToken) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor
ProducerTimingRecorder - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for recording the timing of the execution of individual producer methods.
ProducerTimingRecorder() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
producerTimingRecorderFor(ProducerToken) - Method in interface dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentTimingRecorder
Returns a timing recorder for an individual producer method.
ProducerToken - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A token that represents an individual producer method.
Produces - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates methods of a producer module to create a production binding.
Production - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Qualifies a type that will be provided to the framework for use internally.
ProductionComponent - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of modules.
ProductionComponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A builder for a component.
ProductionComponentMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for monitoring execution of production components.
ProductionComponentMonitor() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
ProductionComponentTimingRecorder - Interface in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for recording timing of the execution of production components.
ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory - Interface in dagger.producers.monitoring
ProductionScope - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A scope annotation for provision bindings that are tied to the lifetime of a ProductionComponent or ProductionSubcomponent.
ProductionSubcomponent - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component, Subcomponent, ProductionComponent, or ProductionSubcomponent.
ProductionSubcomponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A builder for a subcomponent.
Provides - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates methods of a module to create a provider method binding.
proxyMethod(MethodDescriptor<RequestT, ResponseT>, ProxyServerCallHandler.ServiceDefinitionFactory) - Static method in class dagger.grpc.server.ProxyServerCallHandler
Returns a proxy method definition for methodDescriptor.
ProxyServerCallHandler<RequestT,ResponseT> - Class in dagger.grpc.server
A ServerCallHandler that handles calls for a particular method by delegating to a handler in a ServerServiceDefinition returned by a factory.
ProxyServerCallHandler.ServiceDefinitionFactory - Interface in dagger.grpc.server
A factory for the ServerServiceDefinition that a ProxyServerCallHandler delegates to.


qualifier(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class dagger.model.Key.Builder
qualifier(Optional<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class dagger.model.Key.Builder
qualifier() - Method in class dagger.model.Key
A Qualifier annotation that provides a unique namespace prefix for the type of this key.


ready() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when all of the producer's inputs are available.
recordFailure(Throwable, long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer's future has failed with the given statistics.
recordMethod(long, long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer method has finished executing with the given statistics.
recordSkip(Throwable) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer was skipped because one of its inputs failed.
recordSuccess(long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer's future has succeeded with the given statistics.
ReleasableReferenceManager - Interface in dagger.releasablereferences
The releasable references feature is deprecated and scheduled for removal in July 2018. If you use it or are planning to add usages, please comment on this bug.
releasableReferencesMetadata() - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns the set of annotations on the scope that are themselves annotated with CanReleaseReferences.
releasableReferencesMetadata(TypeMirror) - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns the releasable references metadata annotation of the given type, if there is one for this scope.
ReleaseReferencesAt - Annotation Type in
The releasable references feature is deprecated and scheduled for removal in July 2018. If you use it or are planning to add usages, please comment on this bug.
releaseStrongReferences() - Method in interface dagger.releasablereferences.ReleasableReferenceManager
Releases the strong references held by all providers in this scope to the objects previously returned by Provider.get(), leaving only WeakReferences.
reportBinding(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.MaybeBindingNode, String) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a binding or missing binding.
reportBinding(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.MaybeBindingNode, String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a binding or missing binding.
reportComponent(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.ComponentNode, String) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a component.
reportComponent(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.ComponentNode, String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a component.
reportDependency(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.DependencyEdge, String) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a dependency.
reportDependency(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.DependencyEdge, String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a dependency.
reportSubcomponentFactoryMethod(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.ChildFactoryMethodEdge, String) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a subcomponent factory method.
reportSubcomponentFactoryMethod(Diagnostic.Kind, BindingGraph.ChildFactoryMethodEdge, String, Object, Object...) - Method in interface dagger.spi.DiagnosticReporter
Reports a diagnostic for a subcomponent factory method.
requested() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer's output is requested; that is, when the first method is called that requires the production of this producer's output.
requestElement(Element) - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest.Builder
requestElement() - Method in class dagger.model.DependencyRequest
The element that declares this dependency request.
RequestKind - Enum in dagger.model
Represents the different kinds of types that may be requested as dependencies for the same key.
restoreStrongReferences() - Method in interface dagger.releasablereferences.ReleasableReferenceManager
Restores strong references for all providers in this scope that were previously released but whose WeakReference has not yet been cleared during garbage collection.
Reusable - Annotation Type in dagger
A scope that indicates that the object returned by a binding may be (but might not be) reused.
rootComponent() - Method in class dagger.model.ComponentPath
Returns the root Component- or ProductionComponent-annotated type
rootComponentNode() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
Returns the component node for the root component.


scope() - Method in interface dagger.model.Binding
The scope of this binding if it has one.
Scope - Class in dagger.model
A representation of a Scope.
Scope() - Constructor for class dagger.model.Scope
scope(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class dagger.model.Scope
Creates a Scope object from the Scope-annotated annotation type.
scope() - Method in interface dagger.releasablereferences.ReleasableReferenceManager
The scope whose references are managed by this object.
scopeAnnotation() - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
The AnnotationMirror that represents the scope annotation.
scopeAnnotationElement() - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
The scope annotation element.
scopes() - Method in interface dagger.model.BindingGraph.ComponentNode
The scopes declared on this component.
seedInstance(T) - Method in class
Provides instance to be used in the binding graph of the built AndroidInjector.
ServerModule - Class in dagger.grpc.server
Provides a @Singleton Server.
ServerModule() - Constructor for class dagger.grpc.server.ServerModule
serverNamed(String) - Static method in class dagger.grpc.server.InProcessServerModule
Creates a module that provides a server that binds to a given name
serviceInjector() - Method in class
serviceInjector() - Method in interface
Returns an AndroidInjector of Services.
ServiceKey - Annotation Type in
startCall(ServerCall<InputStream, InputStream>, Metadata) - Method in class dagger.grpc.server.ProxyServerCallHandler
StringKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with String keys.
Subcomponent - Annotation Type in dagger
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component or Subcomponent.
Subcomponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger
A builder for a subcomponent.
succeeded(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer’s future has completed successfully with a value.
successful(T) - Static method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns a successful Produced, whose Produced.get() will return the given value.
supportedOptions() - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Returns the annotation-processing options that this plugin uses to configure behavior.
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in class
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in class
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in class
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in class
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in class
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in interface
Returns an AndroidInjector of Fragments.


TimingProductionComponentMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A monitor that measures the timing of the execution of a production component, and logs those timings with the given recorder.
TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
TimingRecorders - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
Utility methods relating to timing.
toBuilder() - Method in class dagger.model.Key
Returns a Key.Builder that inherits the properties of this key.
toString() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph.MissingBindingNode
toString() - Method in class dagger.model.BindingGraph
toString() - Method in class dagger.model.ComponentPath
toString() - Method in class dagger.model.Key.MultibindingContributionIdentifier
toString() - Method in class dagger.model.Key
toString() - Method in class dagger.model.Scope
Returns a debug representation of the scope.
toString() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Returns a representation of the method.
type(TypeMirror) - Method in class dagger.model.Key.Builder
type() - Method in class dagger.model.Key
The type represented by this key.
TypedReleasableReferenceManager<M extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> - Interface in dagger.releasablereferences
The releasable references feature is deprecated and scheduled for removal in July 2018. If you use it or are planning to add usages, please comment on this bug.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dagger.model.BindingKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dagger.model.RequestKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dagger.producers.CancellationPolicy.Propagation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum dagger.model.BindingKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dagger.model.RequestKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dagger.producers.CancellationPolicy.Propagation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visitGraph(BindingGraph, DiagnosticReporter) - Method in interface dagger.spi.BindingGraphPlugin
Called once for each valid root binding graph encountered by the Dagger processor.
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