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activityInjector() - Method in interface
ActivityKey - Annotation Type in
MapKey annotation to key bindings by a type of an Activity.
addCallbackTo(ListenableFuture<T>) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Adds this monitor's completion methods as a callback to the future.
AndroidInjection - Class in
Injects core Android types.
AndroidInjectionModule - Class in
Contains bindings to ensure the usability of framework classes.
AndroidInjector<T> - Interface in
Performs members-injection for a concrete subtype of a core Android type (e.g., Activity or Fragment).
AndroidInjector.Builder<T> - Class in
An adapter that lets the common Subcomponent.Builder pattern implement AndroidInjector.Factory.
AndroidInjector.Factory<T> - Interface in
Creates AndroidInjectors for a concrete subtype of a core Android type.
AndroidMemorySensitiveReferenceManager - Class in
Releases references in ReleaseReferencesAt scopes in low-memory conditions.
AndroidSupportInjection - Class in
Injects core Android types from support libraries.
AndroidSupportInjectionModule - Class in
Configures bindings to ensure the usability of and framework classes.


Binds - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates abstract methods of a Module that delegate bindings.
BindsInstance - Annotation Type in dagger
Marks a method on a component builder or subcomponent builder that allows an instance to be bound to some type within the component.
BindsOptionalOf - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates methods that declare bindings for Optional containers of values from bindings that may or may not be present in the component.
broadcastReceiverInjector() - Method in interface
BroadcastReceiverKey - Annotation Type in
MapKey annotation to key bindings by a type of a BroadcastReceiver.
build() - Method in class
Returns a newly-constructed AndroidInjector.
Builder() - Constructor for class


CanReleaseReferences - Annotation Type in dagger.releasablereferences
Annotates scope annotations to indicate that references to objects stored within that scope can be released during the lifetime of the scope.
ClassKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with Class<?> keys.
Component - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of Component.modules().
Component.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger
A builder for a component.
create(T) - Method in class
create(T) - Method in interface
Creates an AndroidInjector for instance.
create(Class<?>) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Creates a token for a class token that represents the generated factory for a producer method.
create(String) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Creates a token for a producer method.
create(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Creates a component-specific monitor when the component is created.
create(Object) - Method in interface dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory
Creates a component-specific timing recorder when the component is created.
create(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory


dagger - package dagger
This package contains the public API for the Dagger 2 dependency injection framework. - package - package
dagger.multibindings - package dagger.multibindings
This package contains the API by which Dagger allows you to bind several objects into a collection that can be injected without depending directly on each of the individual bindings.
dagger.producers - package dagger.producers
This package contains the public API for Dagger 2's producer functionality.
dagger.producers.monitoring - package dagger.producers.monitoring
This package provides hooks for monitoring producers.
dagger.releasablereferences - package dagger.releasablereferences
This package contains the API by which Dagger allows you release references held within some scopes.
DaggerActivity - Class in
An Activity that injects its members in DaggerActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to inject Fragments attached to it.
DaggerActivity() - Constructor for class
DaggerAppCompatActivity - Class in
An AppCompatActivity that injects its members in DaggerAppCompatActivity.onCreate(Bundle) and can be used to inject Fragments attached to it.
DaggerAppCompatActivity() - Constructor for class
DaggerBroadcastReceiver - Class in
A BroadcastReceiver that injects its members in the first call to DaggerBroadcastReceiver.onReceive(Context, Intent).
DaggerBroadcastReceiver() - Constructor for class
DaggerFragment - Class in
A Fragment that injects its members in DaggerFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
DaggerFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerFragment - Class in
A Fragment that injects its members in DaggerFragment.onAttach(Context) and can be used to inject child Fragments attached to it.
DaggerFragment() - Constructor for class
DaggerIntentService - Class in
An IntentService that injects its members in DaggerIntentService.onCreate().
DaggerIntentService(String) - Constructor for class
DaggerService - Class in
A Service that injects its members in DaggerService.onCreate().
DaggerService() - Constructor for class
delegatingProductionComponentTimingRecorderFactory(Collection<ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory>) - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a timing recorder factory that delegates to the given factories, and ensures that any method called on this object, even transitively, does not throw a RuntimeException or return null.
DispatchingAndroidInjector<T> - Class in
Performs members-injection on instances of core Android types (e.g.
DispatchingAndroidInjector.InvalidInjectorBindingException - Exception in
Exception thrown if an incorrect binding is made for a AndroidInjector.Factory.


ElementsIntoSet - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type is Set<T> and all values are contributed to the set.
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Two tokens are equal if they represent the same method.
equals(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Two Produced objects compare equal if both are successful with equal values, or both are failed with equal exceptions.


Factory() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Factory(ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory) - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
failed(Throwable) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer's future has failed with an exception.
failed(Throwable) - Static method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns a failed Produced, whose Produced.get() will throw an ExecutionException with the given cause.
ForReleasableReferences - Annotation Type in dagger.releasablereferences
A Qualifier to inject a ReleasableReferenceManager or TypedReleasableReferenceManager object for a particular scope.
fragmentInjector() - Method in class
fragmentInjector() - Method in class
fragmentInjector() - Method in interface
fragmentInjector() - Method in class
FragmentKey - Annotation Type in
MapKey annotation to key bindings by a type of a Fragment.
FragmentKey - Annotation Type in
MapKey annotation to key bindings by a type of a Fragment.


get() - Method in interface dagger.Lazy
Return the underlying value, computing the value if necessary.
get() - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns the result of a production.
get() - Method in interface dagger.producers.Producer
Returns a future representing a running task that produces a value.


HasDispatchingActivityInjector - Interface in
HasDispatchingBroadcastReceiverInjector - Interface in
HasDispatchingFragmentInjector - Interface in
HasDispatchingServiceInjector - Interface in
HasDispatchingSupportFragmentInjector - Interface in
Provides a DispatchingAndroidInjector of Fragments.
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Returns an appropriate hash code to match ProducerToken.equals(Object).
hashCode() - Method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns an appropriate hash code to match Produced.equals(Object).


inject(Activity) - Static method in class
Injects activity if an associated AndroidInjector.Factory implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(Fragment) - Static method in class
Injects fragment if an associated AndroidInjector.Factory implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(Service) - Static method in class
Injects service if an associated AndroidInjector.Factory implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(BroadcastReceiver, Context) - Static method in class
Injects broadcastReceiver if an associated AndroidInjector.Factory implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
inject(T) - Method in interface
Injects the members of instance.
inject(T) - Method in class
Performs members-injection on instance.
inject(Fragment) - Static method in class
Injects fragment if an associated AndroidInjector.Factory implementation can be found, otherwise throws an IllegalArgumentException.
injectMembers(T) - Method in interface dagger.MembersInjector
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods of instance.
IntKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with int keys.
IntoMap - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type forms the type argument for the value of a Map<K, Provider<V>>, and the combination of the annotated key and the returned value is contributed to the map as a key/value pair.
IntoSet - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type forms the generic type argument of a Set<T>, and the returned value is contributed to the set.


Lazy<T> - Interface in dagger
A handle to a lazily-computed value.
LongKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with long keys.


MapKey - Annotation Type in dagger
Identifies annotation types that are used to associate keys with values returned by provider methods in order to compose a map.
maybeInject(T) - Method in class
Attempts to perform members-injection on instance, returning true if successful, false otherwise.
MembersInjector<T> - Interface in dagger
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods on instances of type T.
metadata() - Method in interface dagger.releasablereferences.TypedReleasableReferenceManager
Returns the annotation on ReleasableReferenceManager.scope() that is annotated with CanReleaseReferences.
methodFinished() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer method has finished executing.
methodStarting() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer method is about to start executing.
Module - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates a class that contributes to the object graph.
Multibindings - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates interfaces that declare multibindings.
Multibinds - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
Annotates abstract module methods that declare multibindings.


noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Returns a monitor that does no monitoring.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Returns a producer recorder that does nothing.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory
Returns a factory that returns no-op monitors.
noOp() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
Returns a monitor that does no monitoring.
noOpProductionComponentTimingRecorder() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a component recorder that returns no-op producer recorders.
noOpProductionComponentTimingRecorderFactory() - Static method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingRecorders
Returns a recorder factory that returns no-op component recorders.


onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onAttach(Context) - Method in class
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate() - Method in class
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class
onReceive(Context, Intent) - Method in class
onTrimMemory(int) - Method in class
Releases references for ReleaseReferencesAt scopes whose ReleaseReferencesAt.value() is less than or equal to level.


Produced<T> - Class in dagger.producers
An interface that represents the result of a production of type T, or an exception that was thrown during that production.
Producer<T> - Interface in dagger.producers
An interface that represents the production of a type T.
ProducerModule - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates a class that contributes Produces bindings to the production component.
ProducerMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for monitoring the execution of individual producer methods.
ProducerMonitor() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
producerMonitorFor(ProducerToken) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
Returns a monitor for an individual producer method.
producerMonitorFor(ProducerToken) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.TimingProductionComponentMonitor
ProducerTimingRecorder - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for recording the timing of the execution of individual producer methods.
ProducerTimingRecorder() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
producerTimingRecorderFor(ProducerToken) - Method in interface dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentTimingRecorder
Returns a timing recorder for an individual producer method.
ProducerToken - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A token that represents an individual producer method.
Produces - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates methods of a producer module to create a production binding.
Production - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Qualifies a type that will be provided to the framework for use internally.
ProductionComponent - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of modules.
ProductionComponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A builder for a component.
ProductionComponentMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for monitoring execution of production components.
ProductionComponentMonitor() - Constructor for class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProductionComponentMonitor
ProductionComponentMonitor.Factory - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
ProductionComponentTimingRecorder - Interface in dagger.producers.monitoring
A hook for recording timing of the execution of production components.
ProductionComponentTimingRecorder.Factory - Interface in dagger.producers.monitoring
ProductionScope - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A scope annotation for provision bindings that are tied to the lifetime of a ProductionComponent or ProductionSubcomponent.
ProductionSubcomponent - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component, Subcomponent, ProductionComponent, or ProductionSubcomponent.
ProductionSubcomponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger.producers
A builder for a subcomponent.
Provides - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates methods of a module to create a provider method binding.


ready() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when all of the producer's inputs are available.
recordFailure(Throwable, long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer's future has failed with the given statistics.
recordMethod(long, long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer method has finished executing with the given statistics.
recordSkip(Throwable) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer was skipped because one of its inputs failed.
recordSuccess(long) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerTimingRecorder
Reports that the producer's future has succeeded with the given statistics.
ReleasableReferenceManager - Interface in dagger.releasablereferences
ReleaseReferencesAt - Annotation Type in
Annotates scopes to associate them with a low-memory threshold level, as described in Application.onTrimMemory(int).
releaseStrongReferences() - Method in interface dagger.releasablereferences.ReleasableReferenceManager
Releases the strong references held by all providers in this scope to the objects previously returned by Provider.get(), leaving only WeakReferences.
requested() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer's output is requested; that is, when the first method is called that requires the production of this producer's output.
restoreStrongReferences() - Method in interface dagger.releasablereferences.ReleasableReferenceManager
Restores strong references for all providers in this scope that were previously released but whose WeakReference has not yet been cleared during garbage collection.
Reusable - Annotation Type in dagger
A scope that indicates that the object returned by a binding may be (but might not be) reused.


scope() - Method in interface dagger.releasablereferences.ReleasableReferenceManager
The scope whose references are managed by this object.
seedInstance(T) - Method in class
Provides instance to be used in the binding graph of the built AndroidInjector.
serviceInjector() - Method in interface
ServiceKey - Annotation Type in
MapKey annotation to key bindings by a type of a Service.
StringKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with String keys.
Subcomponent - Annotation Type in dagger
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component or Subcomponent.
Subcomponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger
A builder for a subcomponent.
succeeded(Object) - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerMonitor
Called when the producer’s future has completed successfully with a value.
successful(T) - Static method in class dagger.producers.Produced
Returns a successful Produced, whose Produced.get() will return the given value.
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in class
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in class
supportFragmentInjector() - Method in interface
Returns a DispatchingAndroidInjector of Fragments.


TimingProductionComponentMonitor - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
A monitor that measures the timing of the execution of a production component, and logs those timings with the given recorder.
TimingProductionComponentMonitor.Factory - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
TimingRecorders - Class in dagger.producers.monitoring
Utility methods relating to timing.
toString() - Method in class dagger.producers.monitoring.ProducerToken
Returns a representation of the method.
TypedReleasableReferenceManager<M extends Annotation> - Interface in dagger.releasablereferences
A ReleasableReferenceManager for a scope that is annotated with an annotation that itself is annotated with CanReleaseReferences.
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