Interface BindingGraphPlugin

  • public interface BindingGraphPlugin
    A pluggable visitor for BindingGraph.

    Note: This is still experimental and will change.

    • Method Detail

      • visitGraph

        void visitGraph​(BindingGraph bindingGraph,
                        DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter)
        Called once for each valid root binding graph encountered by the Dagger processor. May report diagnostics using diagnosticReporter.
      • init

        default void init​(DaggerProcessingEnv processingEnv,
                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> options)
        Initializes this plugin with a DaggerProcessingEnv.

        This will be called once per instance of this plugin, before any graph is visited.

      • supportedOptions

        default java.util.Set<java.lang.String> supportedOptions()
        Returns the annotation-processing options that this plugin uses to configure behavior.
        See Also:
      • pluginName

        default java.lang.String pluginName()
        A distinguishing name of the plugin that will be used in diagnostics printed to the messager. By default, the fully qualified name of the plugin is used.
      • onPluginEnd

        default void onPluginEnd()
        Perform any extra work after the plugin finished all its visiting. This will be called once per instance of this plugin, after all graphs were visited